Our blog is the spot to find fun speech therapy ideas, freebies, and terrific activities for teaching language skills!
Activities designed to be interactive and engaging for all learners! Visit the TPT store to find fantastic interactive books and activities!
App Reviews
Reviews of iPad apps that are useful for increasing speech and language skills in young children!

Communication Window Interactive Books

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Speech Therapy Freebies!

We love freebies at Communication Window! Visit the Freebies section of the Communication Window TPT store to download over 20 amazing free products! Also, check out the “Freebies” section of the blog for thematic lists of fantastic freebies for speech and language development.

 See the Communication Window Freebies See the Freebie Lists

This is the spot for information about:

Speech Activities

Fun and engaging therapy ideas for preschool and elementary age children!

Interactive Activities

Find interactive books and activities for a wide variety of language skills and themes!

Toys and Games

Get ideas for low-cost toys and games to use in speech therapy!

Therapy Ideas

See therapy materials and lessons in action!


Read about success stories in speech therapy!

Preschool Group Speech

Ideas for how to run great preschool speech therapy groups!


Want to find speech therapy freebie lists, speech therapy app reviews, information on preschool speech therapy, and great speech therapy ideas for little ones?